1 Jan 21 – The Year Ahead

I’ve been silent here. I’ve been silent a lot places this last year. Everyone has, right?

So, when I thought about whether I wanted to commit to a post a day here again in the way I have in years past, I was hesitant. Then, I recognized that hesitancy as a need to commit. To be sure, the pandemic has meant silence in a lot of places I’m used to using my voice.

Parenting, though, has been the bigger silencer. My mom has asked me a few times if I’m journaling. It’s the tool she’s used as a parent to help her check in and see how she feels. At the beginning, I didn’t quite understand it. Now, more than a year in, I understand how single dad-ing can mean I get to the end of the day and find I’m carrying the feelings of an 11 and 9 yo, but might not know what I’m feeling, thinking, doing.

And, thus, I’m here, typing, again. Committing to finding out where my voice is and how it sounds as an educator and single parent.

I’m doing it here because I’m thirsty for conversation, community, and gut checks. Inspired by the near-constant uncertainty of parenting, I’m more doubtful than before that anyone’s on the other side. It’s all new territory.

Let’s go.

9 thoughts on “1 Jan 21 – The Year Ahead”

  1. I’m right here with you. One of my goals is to journal daily. Whatever that looks like with no guilt or self loathing for the amount I write.

    1. We’ve got this, Tammie. Last time ’round, I set an unofficial goal of at least 250 words for each post. This time, it will be, “What do I need to get out right now?” However long that ends up being will be enough. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Welcome back.

    I don’t think you need to do it every day if that’s overwhelming. Weekly is great. Or daily notes in the book that get collected into a weekly reflection.

    I can’t even commit to that. But I can set a goal of doing more than I did last year, which was more than the year before.

    We’ve all been through a lot of changes and a lot of trauma over the last few years, and that change isn’t going to stop now. So let’s just take it a day at a time and see where we end up.

    1. For me, it needs to be a daily commitment. If I get to take one day off, then the next day gets harder to start up again. Plus, I like it. I like ending the day by trying to zero in on whatever that day was about.

  3. Can’t wait to read your postings. I’m Journaling as a way to grow, learn, embrace and reflect on this new season in my life. Thanks for the push and the community. In my humble opinion, you’re nailing this parenting gig! M8ss you to pieces.

    1. We’ve been starting journaling here. Turns out a lot of the literacy practices I recommend are foundational to my parenting as well. Miss you too! I think we’re not far from your new gig. Stop by sometime!

  4. I’m so excited to read your blogs this year. I started blogging again at the end of 2020 and bought a domain to hold myself to it. I think blogging, well just any form of writing that isn’t aimed directly at twitter, facebook, etc. is going to help me relearn my love of writing. I miss how much I loved writing when I was teaching.

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