Things I Know 276 of 365: #ThingsThatNeedToEnd

I’ll get to things I’m thankful for tomorrow. Tonight, twitter’s trending with #ThingsThatNeedToEnd and a few popped into mind.

  • Talking and calling it conversation.
  • Not saying anything and calling it listening.
  • Walking by the person on the street asking for change because you’re sure they’ll just spend it on alcohol, but never donating a dime to your local homeless shelter or food kitchen.
  • Assuming.
  • Requiring people to take their shoes off at airport security.
  • The Bachelor.
  • Calling schools failing and then asking them to muster momentum to improve.
  • Illiteracy.
  • Abuse.
  • Fast food.
  • Pay inequity.
  • Anything that would lead a kid person to feel less than.
  • Talking about teachers as though they aren’t trying or don’t care.
  • Talking about students as though they’re incapable of learning and creating amazing things.
  • Admiring the problem.
  • Fracking.
  • Complaining that social networking is keeping people from truly connecting, while still remaining silent in every elevator.
  • Seeking the one silver-bullet answer.
  • Claiming you’ve got the one silver-bullet answer.
  • Taking ourselves so seriously.
  • Calling anything that highlights a difference we don’t understand or wish didn’t exist “the X gap.”
  • The McRib.
  • Teaching by telling instead of showing.
  • Feeding students anything other than the best possible food for lunch.
  • Marketing electric cars while completely ignoring the source of most of America’s electricity.
  • Leading with anything other than a question.
  • Asking, “How are you?” with anything other than the utmost sincerity.
  • Letting others do the heavy lifting.
  • Subscribing to a belief in the importance of caring for the least among us and then denying them access to health care.
  • Comparing anything that’s not actually Hitler to Hitler.
  • Treating the symptom while ignoring the problem.
  • Expecting more from people without giving them space and resources to grow.
  • Ignoring the value of personal experience.
  • Valuing personal experience as though it is representative of the group.
  • Daylight Saving Time.