Semester II Final

8th Grade Language Arts Semester II Final

Expository Essay
Instructions: Using the skills you have learned throughout this semester, plan, write and proofread and expository essay in response to the prompt below.


Writing Situation: Over the course of the past school year, everyone in this school has changed some way or another. Change, it has been said, is the only constant.

Directions for Writing: Think of how you have changed physically, mentally, and socially over this past school year. Consider things like your studies, your relationships, your life. Using these details, write to explain to Mr. Chase what the biggest changes have been and how they will affect your path in life.

To Receive Full Credit You Must:

  • Complete a planning sheet for this essay.
  • Properly formatted, edited essay.*

*If you have forgotten how to properly format a typed essay, you can find the guidelines saved under Teacherdrop, Chase, Your Class Period in the file names “Essay Formatting Guidelines.”

When you have finished, save your essay as follows. Also, print a copy of your essay to the printer in Rm. 115.

To save, name your essay with your last name and the words “Final Essay.” For example, my essay would be saved as “Chase Final Essay.”

Save the file as Teacherdrop, Chase, Your Class Period, Final Essay

2 thoughts on “Semester II Final”

  1. This process takes practice and flexibility. The trust issue is essential along with that of respect in order for people to feel comfortable with feedback and actually apply suggestions.

  2. The LRP is a useful guide for scrutinizing rigor, alignment, and engagement with our lesson plans. The last activity was difficult since a well developed lesson plan cannot be created in 5 minutes; however, this did springboard our group into helpful feedback for improving and inserting additional elements. Today was useful. Vocabulary training was practical and useful.

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